Fall Getaway 2022 - Day 2 - Albuquerque

When taking long trips that span several days it's nice to break it up by not having full travel days back to back. So we spent the day in Albuquerque with friends, visiting a US CostCo for the first time. I used to have a UK CostCo membership years ago, and to be honest the US stores are pretty much the same, good prices on quality goods if you don't mind buying in bulk. We had a good wander round, eyeing up the 4K OLED TV's as our living room TV is over 8.5 years old, but mainly we were there to bulk buy some vitamins and other supplements to send to my wife's parents in China. Despite being extremely busy checkout was fast and we tried a few items from their on-site cafe including the famed $1.50 hotdog combo and the delicious chicken bake.

Healthier home cooked food was on the menu for the evening, with some excellent chicken wings, delicious salmon and some healthy veggies, with my wife contributing a north eastern Chinese stew. 

Tomorrow we'll leave for Las Vegas, a near 600 mile run that will probably take around 9.5 hours...

You get some great views from Rio Rancho of the clouds rolling down the side of the Sandia Mountains:



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